10th Annual Duck Race Day Announced
The annual Carey Services Duck Race, which has become an early-summer tradition in Grant County, will be June 25 at the Marion Splash House.
You can get check on current race details here.
This year is the event’s 10th anniversary of having fun and raising money to help people with disabilities. As part of the anniversary celebration, we’re moving the race to an evening event and adding activities to make it more of a festival. The Splash House gates will open at 6 p.m. The race will begin about 7 p.m., and we will have other activities throughout the evening and conclude about 9 p.m.
One part of the milestone observance will be a name the duck contest to properly give the agency’s duck mascot a name. We’ll have more details on the race and the naming contest soon.
For sponsorship information, call April Scott at (765) 668-8961, ext. 111, or email her at ascott@careyservices.com.